Marisa Wexler, MS, senior science writer —

Marisa holds a Master of Science in cellular and molecular pathology from the University of Pittsburgh, where she studied novel genetic drivers of ovarian cancer. Her areas of expertise include cancer biology, immunology, and genetics, and she has worked as a science writing and communications intern for the Genetics Society of America.

Articles by Marisa Wexler

Antibody Modification May Drive Antibody-linked Diseases Like CAD

A type of protein modification called glycosylation is associated with higher levels of disease-causing antibodies in cold agglutinin disease (CAD), new research suggests. The findings highlight the role that antibody modifications play in antibody-driven diseases like CAD, researchers said. The study, “In from the cold: M‐protein…

Study Supports Use of Rituximab-containing Therapies in CAD

Therapies that contain Rituximab may be effective for people with cold agglutinin disease (CAD), a study suggests. The study, “Rituximab-containing therapy for cold agglutinin disease: a retrospective study of 16 patients,” was published in Scientific Reports. CAD is caused by cold agglutinins — a…

COVID-19 Thought To Be Cause of CAD in Woman in Case Report

A case report from Michigan suggests that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) could cause cold agglutinin disease (CAD). Results showed that appropriate treatment, including folic acid and a steroid, lowered inflammation and nearly corrected levels of blood cells. The report, “Cold agglutinin disease and autoimmune hemolytic…